Tuesday 24 April 2012

Alternative practicum in the garden

 Faculty of Education team:  Susan, Djamila, Lauren, Alison, Chessa & Julia

After completing a 10 week traditional teaching practicum  in an indoor classroom, B.Ed. students, Lauren & Alison, will be doing  their three week alternative practicum in The Orchard Garden.  Some students do their alternative practicum at museums, aquariums, botanical gardens, etc.  This is our pilot year of trying it at The Orchard Garden.  
Lauren & Alison will be spending two days a week doing hands-on garden work, learning some specifics as to how to design, plant and maintain a school garden.  They will also do weekly field trips to other learning gardens and spend two days a week on their research interests in their subject areas (Lauren- Art, Alison- English & Socials)- developing lesson plans and considering the complexities of garden pedagogy.  They will be contributing to this blog each Friday and providing us with valuable feedback on this pilot program so that we might continue to refine it for future years.  We look forward to the knowledge exchange and working with these intelligent and passionate women.

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